January 16, 2025 – Aside from specializing in all aspects of low to mid-rise commercial elevators, we are also heavily involved with educating our customers and stakeholders. During Wheaton College’s winter break, Len Giuliano, one of our company’s Qualified Elevator Inspectors (QEI certified), conducted training for members of the Wheaton Fire Department. The training focused on elevator emergency evacuation procedures per the A17.4 code of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME).
The same class was scheduled during three different shifts to ensure most of the department could attend. Each class of approximately 8 to 15 attendees consisted of a half-hour presentation as well as hands-on training using the hydraulic elevator at Blanchard Hall and one of the traction elevators at Billy Graham Hall.
Aside from detailing proper procedure as per ASME A17.1/ CSA B44 section, attendees were taught how to override the elevator’s door restrictors. Doing so not only enables the rescue of passengers, but also minimizes potential damage to the elevator doors.
“Often when the fire department responds to an elevator entrapment, extensive damage occurs as the rescue team extricates the passenger(s),” says Len Giuliano, “Our classes focus primarily on occupant safety with a secondary focus on protecting the building’s property.”
During summer break, Giuliano provided a similar class for the Lemont Fire Department at Lemont High School.
For more information, or to inquire about scheduling a class, contact our office.